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Commandment #8...Do Not Steal

So, yesterday I was talking to one of my friends and she was telling me how she's been having a rough time. As I was encouraging her I began to realize that I was preaching to the choir 😳. I, too had hit a point where I was wondering why things were happening the way that they were. I was becoming angry almost to the point of bitterness.

It didn't resonate with me right away, but as I began to do a morning motivation quote (which I hardly ever do) for my Instagram (because it's easier to give advice than to take your own 🙄) it hit me like a pile of bricks. That motivational message was really for me. And what makes it so wild is that I deal with two scriptures daily that correlate with this message - Romans 8:28 is in my Instagram bio and Jeremiah 29:11 is on a canvas in my Etsy shop.


Listen, stop letting people take from you. At any given moment, you can decide to go for what you want and take back everything that was stolen from you. Today I made that decision and I stand firm. What God has for me is for me. Nobody can/will ever execute something exactly like I can. That's what makes my talent special. Like the saying goes, "often imitated but never duplicated."

With that being said, I realize that leaders tend to inspire and motivate others, but don’t let that be it for you, because other people’s ideas are just that, their ideas. In the words of DJ Khaled, “Don’t play yourself.” Find your own greatness and stop constantly looking to someone else for motivation and inspiration. Be great on your own and I guarantee you’ll be happier with yourself than you are now, settling and biting off of someone else’s ideas and hard work.

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