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Isn't She Lovely

Did someone say toddler? I have a toddler?! Whoa. I wasn't quite ready for that but ready or not, right? LOL. This past weekend we threw a huge Mermaid Bash for Jennevieve and it was so much fun. I appreciate everyone that came out to celebrate with her. It really meant a lot to see all the love. Below is a slideshow of some of the pictures from the party. Isn't she lovely? 😜

Now, on to the fun stuff. What has one year been like? Well, this first year has been super rewarding and one of my best years to date. I would've never imagined loving motherhood as much as I do.

With that being said, there are a few things I wish I knew pre-baby that I often judged people on. SMH, sad but very true.

First, I was always the person out at public places wishing parents would just "shut their baby up." Unfortunately, I quickly learned it doesn't work that way. None of it works that way. Babies will do what they want to do and as a parent you really don't have much control over how they act - they will scream, soil their clothes and make you want to scream. I have a whole new outlook on this baby in public thing.

Second, saying it's nap time is not an excuse to get out of events - it really is nap time. If I let my child go 30 mins. past her nap time she'll act like its WWII and the ultimate warrior will come out of her. 😫

Lastly, I feel the absolute worst about ever judging a mom for "taking too many pictures" of their baby, seriously? As I scroll through my photo collection on my phone, Jennevieve will probably have an idea of how she looked every day of her life 🙈🙊.

🍸So, here's to judgment free zones and gaining a new appreciation of parents and life with a youngin'. And speaking of judgment free zones, I also want to acknowledge the fact that this month is Breastfeeding Awareness Month and we should strive to help normalize breastfeeding. It is not an easy task; however, it is very beneficial to the little ones, so let's stop shaming Moms and start celebrating them.

🍸🍸 I just celebrated 1 year of breastfeeding so I want to do another toast to all those breastfeeding mothers out there - Here's to your baby getting hungry when you sit down to eat. May you always have a microwave to heat up those cold meals & may you always laugh the heartache away!

Special Thanks:

Birthday Tutu, Crown & Pictures: Youlanda Upkins || Mermaid Gang T-Shirt: Kristie Ferrell

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