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3 Simple Rules for Life

As I was considering topics to write about I thought the perfect topic would be The Top 3 Lessons I've learned since being married. But, the more I wrote the more I realized that those lessons pertained more to life than marriage.

They are things I learned about others but more-so about myself - what I am, what I'm not, and what I strive to be. Here are the 3 Lessons I've learned from M̶a̶r̶r̶i̶a̶g̶e̶ Life.

1. This has to be the most important - Treat Yo' Self. Stop waiting on other people to learn to appreciate you, tell you how wonderful you are or do nice things for you. You. Need. To. Learn. How. To. Treat. Yo'. Self. I discovered I get so caught up in making sure everyone else is comfortable and happy that often times, I forget this lesson. The unfortunate reality of it is other people don't waste any time looking out for themselves. Stop giving so much of yourself to others that you don't have enough to fuel your own tank up with. Need I say more?

2. Don't get run over - Speak up. While you may be thinking you're getting taken advantage of the other person may think you are absolutely okay with whatever it is. Close mouths don't get fed so speak up. Let people know when you don't like something but also remember to, let people know when you do like something. Have you ever read the reviews about something? Ever noticed that people are more likely to leave a review about an unpleasant experience..yeah.

3. Check out the lyrics to this song Love Yourz by J. Cole 👉🏾

Always gon' be a bigger house somewhere, but feel me

Long as the people in that motherf***** love you dearly

Always gon' be a whip that's better than the one you got

Always gon' be some clothes that's fresher than the ones you rock

Always gon' be a b**** that's badder out there on the tours

But you ain't never gon' be happy till you love yours

No such thing as a life that's better than yours

No such thing as a life that's better than yours

No such thing as a life that's better than yours

No such thing, no such thing

I couldn't agree more with those lyrics. Stop comparing yourself. Stop trying to be like the next person.

Love Yourz 💚

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