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Photo Studio

Hi all! Just recently I posted a few pictures of Jennevieve and received plenty of feedback about how professional they looked. Well, surprisingly enough they were taken on my iPhone 5S and edited on my Mac. I simply used my spare bedroom as the studio 😜.

I picked up most of my basic photography skills from my dad as he did professional photography for some time. (I used the word basic because I am nowhere near pro but I think I do pretty well, if I may say so myself LOL.) My siblings and I have what seems like billions of photos from our childhood and because of that I always knew I wanted to take plenty of photos for my children to have. Although, I would love to have a live-in photographer - it just isn't in the budget.

One of the first steps to any great photo is finding the perfect lighting and I believe I have found that in our spare room! As far as the backdrop - it is a $15 throw I purchased from Tuesday Morning about 2-3 years ago. Now for the set up - the boppy pillow is my best friend! I use that as my "base" because baby is too young to sit up on her own it is a necessity. Behind the base you will find about 4 regular pillows to help hold up my backdrop. This is what it looks like ....

I usually edit my photos in photoshop but for this project I did not have photoshop readily available. Therefore, I used the basic editor in my photo settings. Then I used a built-in application titled Preview to add the words. My final project turned out to look like this .....

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