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About Me

My passion for arts/crafts, cooking and homemaking all began when I was young visiting my Grammy - who lived next door to me. She is the perfect homemaker. She constantly had me doing activities like cooking, sewing and cleaning - I enjoyed it. As I got older my life slowly drifted into a different direction.


To be completely honest I hadn’t realized this was a passion of mine until during a college course at Savannah State University (I 💙 my HBCU) a professor called for us to find our passions. Something clicked inside of me that awoke a sleeping beast. Yet, it was only the beginning.


Shortly after I found out I was pregnant with Jennevieve I decided to put my professional career on pause. The plan was to return to work after the given maternity leave of 6 weeks – God had different plans. With the support of my husband, I became a stay at home mom and because of my passion with home décor and homemaking, I often looked for ways to make my own creations. While decorating Vieve's room I decided I wanted to make a teepee. Honestly, I had no idea how it would work but I was determined to make it work.


One day, completely out of the blue my Aunt asked if I wanted her sewing machine. She said it was brand new and had been sitting in the box for several months  - I jumped on it as I knew it would help with Vieve’s teepee. With no idea how to construct something so complex I marched to the store to purchase fabric and thread, completely confident of my ability to make something – anything. After a few days, and lots of silent prayers I had it completed – boy was I ecstatic!


I posted a picture of Vieve’s teepee in a few sewing groups I was in on facebook and it went (what I would call) viral. It was the beginning of an era for me, the beginning of VivaLaVieve Boutique. It is truly amazing to see my life come full circle, it is even more mind blowing to know that God is not finished with me yet. I could have never imagined or planned this for myself – it is God’s calling and that is what makes it extra special.

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